ACCA was so excited to host US Congressman Doug Collins this past Tuesday for a tour of ACCA and for him to accompany one of our Meals on Wheels volunteers on a route here in Athens. Congressman Collins represents Georgia in the United States House of Representatives and spend a lot of time in Washington DC. We were honored he and staff member, Joel Katz, took time from their busy schedule to hear and see some of the issues older adults face on a daily basis. Congressman Collins was a joy to be around and all of the clients he visited were excited to have his ear for a short amount of time. If you would like to see pictures from his visit, please follow this LINK and “like” our Facebook page if you haven’t already.
If you are passionate about local, state, and national legistlative issue, please join ACCA at the advocacy training coming up on Thursday, October 16 at 10:00 a.m. at the Athens First Bank and Trust in Downtown Athens. The session will be in the upstairs conference room and will start at 10:00 and will end at 1:30 p.m. with a free lunch included. There is no charge for this event. Please RSVP to KaDee at or call 706-549-4850.