
Making ACCA Proud in the Community

Annette Barfield recieves award from Tammy Gilland, Vice President of the Athens Regional Foundation. Photo courtesy Athens-Banner Herald.

Annette Barfield receives award from Tammy Gilland, Vice President of the Athens Regional Foundation. Photo courtesy Athens-Banner Herald.

Athens Regional Foundation recently announced the winners of the 26th J.W. Fanning Humanitarian Award and the Shelby Lacy Award.  The J.W. Fanning Award recognizes individuals who have “high personal values in their own life, while making significant contributions to Athens Regional through their time, interest and commitment to the medical center and the community it serves.”  The Shelby Lacy Award recognizes an Athens Regional Health System employee who has made selfless and significant contributions of time and talent to the community in which he or she lives and works.

The Athens Regional Foundation and the 1919 recently presented the awards at the annual Pillar Society recpetion.  Annette Barfield, ACCA Board of Directors member and former Ms. Senior Athens, was recently chosen for the 2015 J.W. Fanning Humanitarian of the year award. She has volunteered with ACCA but also many other organizations in Athens including the Athens Regional Medical Center Auxiliary.

Katie Calkin receives award from Shelby Lacy. Photo courtesy Athens-Banner Herald.

Katie Calkin won the Shelby Lacy award.  Shelby Lacy is a long-time volunteer with ACCA and continues to monitor ACCA participants blood pressure by routine checks.  Shelby also served for many year’s on the ACCA Board of Directors.

“ACCA is honored to have Shelby and Annette volunteer and serve in the leadership of ACCA.  They are two very dynamic and valuable members to ACCA but also the community as a whole.  I am so honored to work with them on such a regular basis and to learn from them,” state Jennie Deese the CEO of Athens Community Council on Aging.

Congratulations Annette and Katie on your awards and Shelby for having such a prestigious award named after you and awarded each year.

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